Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This is my Life


This is my life.  I choose to put pictures of important people in this because they are what are important in my life.  The first is a typical photo of my mother.  She loves to have fun and does not care what anyone thinks about her.  She is a very important role model in my life.  The second is a photo of my brother, Jacob, and my cousin, Morgan, hugging.  My family is very loving.  We all care for each other very strongly.  Also, if you look in the background you will see an Epworth water tower.  Epworth is a town where both of my parents grew up.  It is also where a lot of my family lives.  The next photo is my mother and my little brother, Joshua.  Again, I felt this picture showed the love.  After that is a picture of my sister, Hope, holding a chicken.  We are a farming family and as you can see we love to make our work fun.  Then, I have a picture of my dog, Jack, with my sister.  Jack is my comfort in many of the problems I face.  Following that is a picture of Morgan and Jacob.  They were making a boring situation fun.  My family lives life to the fullest.  Laura is one of my closest friends.  We have been through a lot and she is always there for me.  I choose her for this because she is so much of a friend through the thick and thin.  My cousin, Morgan, and I are very close.  She is another of my best friends and I felt this assignment would be incomplete without a photo of her.  The next is a photo of Sylvia and me.  Sylvia is another one of my important friends and she is a very big part of my life right now.  Finally, I put a picture of my father and me.   My family is very close.  We tell each other everything.  My father has always been there for me not matter what.  Ours is a bond of love and faith. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Storybook- My Neighborhood

This is a photo of my home and the land it sits on. 

 I live in the country so my house is on a gravel road. 

This is the view from the top of my driveway.  There are many farm houses in my neighborhood.  

This is a photo of part of our farmland. 

Where I live, I see lots of farming being done.  My father is a farmer, and we own farm land so tractors are an important part of my life and my neighborhood.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Soft Light:
I choose this photo for soft light because I like how it shows many different angles of the flower.  I also picked it because you can't tell where the light source is coming from and it has no harsh shadows so the picture is very soft. 

Hard Light:
I choose this picture for hard light because the shadows are very dark and distinct.  The viewer can clearly see that the light source is strong and behind them.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Photo 1:

Photo 2:

I took these pictures of the creek while standing on the bridge between UNI and NU.  I choose it for metamorphosis because I thought is was a really good example of how the earth changes as the seasons pass. 

Photo 3:

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I took this picture of my grandmother's church in Epworth, Iowa, where my parents were born and raised.  I choose it for architecture because I think it is a really beautiful building and it has the standard look of a church, and the way it is built. 


I choose this photo for food because not only is it food, it is also something that was a big part of my childhood.  We had PB&J sandwiches all the time because they were easy to make when my parents were too busy to make a big dinner.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Leading Lines

I choose this photo for leading lines because when you look at it, the tree trunk leads your eyes up to the green leaves at the top of the tree. 


These are three photos that I took of Lizzy from different angles.  I choose them because I thought that these views were the most interesting. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


I choose this photo for silhouette because I think it looks very interesting and not only is my hand a silhouette, the house and trees are as well. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Digital Dodge and Burn

For this picture, I burned the windows and dodged Mr. Spurr's skin to lighten and darken the different sections.

Miscellaneous Filters

For these two images, I used the lighting effects filter to add a spotlight to well. 

For these two images, I used the dry brush and then the cutout filter to give it an arty feel. 

For these images, I used the Smudge stick filter to make it more interesting. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rule of Thirds

I choose these pictures for rule of thirds because I thought that the positions they are in make them more interesting then if they were just centered in the middle.  I cropped them to demonstrate this. 


This is a picture I took of Rachel at the playground at our school.  I choose it for framing because I noticed that the red bars were boxing her in perfectly. 


I choose this picture for sunset because when I looked out the window and saw it, I thought it looked beautiful and would be perfect for the objective.  It was taken in my backyard and I think the trees add a lovely effect to the picture.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I  choose this photo for cropping because I think it looks a lot more interesting now then it did before.  When you look at the original picture, the sign is not really your main focus.  Now that I cropped it, it gives it more attention.  






Monday, March 21, 2011


I choose this picture for shadow because it is the main focus in the shot.  It stated with my brother and I messing around and then I thought it looked cool so I took a picture.  As you can see, his hands are forming a cross. 


I choose this photo for reflection because I think the reflection in the water really adds to the photo.  If you think about a photo of just the tree it would probably be very boring.  But with the reflection, it gives it a more interesting look. 


I choose this picture for clouds because I think it is very cool.  It was kind of an overcast day and I looked up at the sky and saw how the sun hid behind the clouds just right.  I think it adds a lot to the look of the clouds. 


I choose this picture for shapes because when I look at it, I saw a lot of different shapes.  There are shapes within the net, shapes on the backboard, and even shapes in the support system.  I made the photo black and white because the only stand out color was the bright orange rim and I thought it looked like it took away from the different shapes. 


This is a photo I took of my little brother, Joshua, while he wasn't paying attention.  I believe he was talking to my mom, which is something he does often.  (: