Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I  choose this photo for cropping because I think it looks a lot more interesting now then it did before.  When you look at the original picture, the sign is not really your main focus.  Now that I cropped it, it gives it more attention.  






Monday, March 21, 2011


I choose this picture for shadow because it is the main focus in the shot.  It stated with my brother and I messing around and then I thought it looked cool so I took a picture.  As you can see, his hands are forming a cross. 


I choose this photo for reflection because I think the reflection in the water really adds to the photo.  If you think about a photo of just the tree it would probably be very boring.  But with the reflection, it gives it a more interesting look. 


I choose this picture for clouds because I think it is very cool.  It was kind of an overcast day and I looked up at the sky and saw how the sun hid behind the clouds just right.  I think it adds a lot to the look of the clouds. 


I choose this picture for shapes because when I look at it, I saw a lot of different shapes.  There are shapes within the net, shapes on the backboard, and even shapes in the support system.  I made the photo black and white because the only stand out color was the bright orange rim and I thought it looked like it took away from the different shapes. 


This is a photo I took of my little brother, Joshua, while he wasn't paying attention.  I believe he was talking to my mom, which is something he does often.  (:


I choose this picture of a tree because it is small and cute.  I feel like it has a lot of character and it is unique because it is all alone and the only of its kind in the yard. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Close Up

I took this picture in Mr. Spurr's office. It is actually kind of dying but I made it look really lively.  I choose it for close up because I zoomed in on the plant so that you could see more detail. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I choose this photo for portrait because we took it because we needed good photos of her for her portfolio and so we just went out and started taking pictures! I like how it looks like a senior picture and it makes her look extra pretty.


This is a photo of my two cousins, Morgan and Ashley.  They are in the middle of a who can shove the most grapes in their mouths contest and I choose it for emotion because you can see a lot of it in this photo.


This is a photo I took of my cousin, Morgan, and my brother, Jacob, at a cubs game in Chicago. I am using it for my posed photo because I asked them both to look at the camera and then I took it!